Сегодня, 11-го сентября, стало известно, что после двух лет семейной жизни
Сето Асака и
Инохара Йошихико наконец
ждут ребёнка! ^__^
Текст факса (пеервод)For those in the media;
Sorry to bother while you are busy.
It is the sudden announcement, but we are given a baby in this 2nd year of our marriage life.
When the pregnancy was found, we jumped up from happiness.
Now we are full of gratitude.
Next spring our lives by 3 persons will begin.
We are nervous, but we will raise our child with full of our love together.
As now we are in the important period, we will glad if you will watch over us with kindness.
September 11, 2009
Yoshihiko Inohara
Asake SetoИсточник:
community.livejournal.com/victory6/288989.htmlЖдём чибика следующей весной! И, конечно, поздравляем первого папашу V6